Wednesday, February 2, 2022

In December, with the assistance of my co-counsel Ed Icove, we obtained a $51,000 verdict for our client against Kevin O'Brien, a Columbus-area collection lawyer, and his firm.

Mr. O'Brien attempted to collect a debt by sending our client a letter claiming that he may foreclose on her home (where she and her husband have lived for almost 40 years) unless the small debt was paid. However, our client did not owe the debt. Also, Mr. O'Brien did not have the authority to collect the debt and did not actually intend to foreclose at all. Here is a copy of the jury verdict form which provides more detail. 

The verdict included $1,000 in statutory damages and $50,000 for emotional distress.

Gregory S. Reichenbach, Attorney at Law
Honorific / Pronouns: Mr. / he, his, him
P.O. Box 711
Perrysburg, OH  43552-0711
Phone (419) 529-8300
Fax   (419) 529-8310
Twitter: @gsreichenbach

Protecting people from unfair and deceptive business practices, including abusive debt collection, automobile sales fraud, and vehicle repossessions.
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